Paper Mario Dialog Editing (Full Bank Disassembly)
Users browsing this thread: shygoo

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With this disassembly, the dialog in Paper Mario can be changed in place without needing to worry about space limitations. This is made possible by removing useless padding data, freeing up 12kB of space for new text! The padding omission has been tested on real N64 hardware (Thanks Davideesk!), and it seems to work without any issues.

[Image: d1017a126e3dc5cb05d9a75ff6c34b36.png]

[Image: b41c2055dae9dad343140bec7906ea53.png]


​Version 0.2:

Spoiler: Changelog

Version 0.1:
(Initial release)

Version 0.2:
Add accented character support
Use carriage returns in disassembly

This disassembly is for the armips assembler. I recommend using David's armips GUI:
Spoiler: Quick how to

  1. Always back up your ROM before making changes!
  2. Edit the ASM files in the patch's "pm_dialog" directory to your liking
  3. For the GUI's "ROM" option, select your Paper Mario (U) ROM file. The ROM must be Z64 format.
  4. For the "ASM File" option, select the patch's main ASM file "pm_dialog.asm".
  5. Click "Assemble!"

​Decoder Utility

The decoder utility used to generate the disassembly is open source:
See the included readme for instructions on how to build the program and generate fresh disassemblies.

​Wiki Page

There is a new Origami64 Wiki page available here that covers the intricacies of Paper Mario's dialog system:

  • There are still quite a few commands that have unknown/undocumented purpose, namely command 0x00 which seems to completely change the encoding of the last dialog section.
  • Ideally the disassembly will use macros to wrap commands/styles/effects for easier use and smaller file sizes.
  • Documentation and support for the Japanese and PAL ROMs.

Big thanks to Justin Aquadro for his original dialog system documentation:
(This post was last modified: October 22nd, 2017, 02:21 am by shygoo.)

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This is fantastic! I will try it!

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Can you make a tutorial for how to use this?

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The tool works, but there's a bug: accents doesn't work: Here's a screen
[Image: ocEz1yS.png]
(This post was last modified: July 5th, 2017, 09:03 am by ZioMirko_.)

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(July 5th, 2017, 09:02 am)ZioMirko_ Wrote: The tool works, but there's a bug: accents doesn't work: Here's a screen

Just updated with accented character support. See main post for the download. Be sure that your text editor's encoding setting is set to "UTF-8 without BOM" while editing.

(July 4th, 2017, 07:54 pm)Sagen Wrote:
Can you make a tutorial for how to use this?

Download the ZIP archive with the disassembly files and David's armips GUI and try the steps described under "Quick how to" in the main post.
(This post was last modified: July 6th, 2017, 01:44 am by shygoo.)

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Shygoo, this tool is very important for me because I'm working on a Paper Mario 64 Italian version (translation).
Can you do this but with all texts and not dialogs? If you do this it's very useful for all rom hackers in the world...
(This post was last modified: August 1st, 2017, 08:34 pm by ZioMirko_.)

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Can I modify the menu with this?
If not, can you do a similar thing?

Paper Mario Dialog Editing (Full Bank Disassembly)
Users browsing this thread: shygoo

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